January 18, 2013

Sketch Friday

This design was for for an old project I did back in 2005 or 2006. Not quite a sketch but I did do some touch up painting to the lineart. 

Quick back story, this image was part of a project that was one of my very first freelance gigs and I was super excited to do it. I did a crap ton of concept work and about 80 or so lineart designs for this sci-fi RPG. I think the game itself changed quite a bit and I wrapped up on the project only after a few months. The pay wasn't that great, however, it was a very challenging and fun learning experience. A big shout out to my talented friend Lance Haunrogue who gave me a shot at this which helped buy me groceries during that time. It's nice to look back on your art and see the similarities and improvements in your work over the years. Give it a try, you will be pleasantly surprised!

Happy Weekend everyone!


Mauricio Abril said...

This one's cool, dude! Really like the design in this. And you're right about going back and looking at old work. I did that a few weeks ago and even re-did an old piece entirely with a better composition. Turned out much better!

HaunRogue said...

NICE!!! Awesome to see this bro... I miss working with you. I hope all is going great in your part of the world.
