September 1, 2009

SOTD 9/01

HAH! Made it before Midnight so it still counts as today's sketch! Whew, thought I was going to miss it. Anyways, for those of you who were raised on 80's cartoons, this was my tribute to the short lived GALAXY RANGERS. Man, how can you not love that intro!

I also forgot there was an African American guy in there, he was like the wild west space version of Lando Calrissian, so here's my take on him with a little space baddie.

Ah the 80's, they don't make cartoons like they used to. More of these to come!

1 comment:

Simon Scales said...

Hah...nice man - diggin this one
dude....cant believe your sticking to this sketch per day!! awesome
im not even gonna attempt it!!