October 5, 2011


What started out as a conversation with a friend last Wednesday turned into a spark which ignited a whole process. At the end of it the result was what you see below.

Just in time for Halloween I have completed this print which brought me nothing but joy to create. Every once in a while an artist will sit down and create something from start to finish without any hassles and everything just seems to fall into place. You get in an awesome rhythm and you just keep plucking away. I would like to say this happens with everything I do but it does not. Actually, I am glad it does not happen all the time cause if it did I would not enjoy these moments as much. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the print, it measure 18 inches long by 5 inches tall and is printed on premium lustre paper. If you want to purchase it I will be accepting online orders here:


Also, if you live in the L.A. area these will be made available at the Happy Six Store located here:

2115 Sawtelle Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90025-6200
(310) 479-5363

In case you are interested, here are the sketches, comps and final line art that lead to the final piece.

First up, a few sketches from the old sketchbook. I normally do pages of sketches, but I had such a clear idea in my head of what I wanted to do I just needed a few notes to get me on my way. On the first page you can see the composition I was leaning towards as well as some preliminary sketches for the characters.

This page was just figuring out who I wanted to draw and depict in the image. I had a list which changed. I am thinking of doing this yearly, but we'll see.

This was the rough composition and layout done in Photoshop. I usually do this in Photoshop cause I can get quick and dirty with the lay in. I just add a subtle value scheme to it to give me a big sense of the picture. After this phase I  print it out and do 1 final line art drawing you see below. After that I can it back in the computer and wrap up with colors in Photoshop.

 I hope you enjoy and thanks for stopping by! Stay tuned because I am working on something new for Christmas.

Trick or treat friends!

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