May 4, 2012

Morning Warm-Ups

Drawing is like working out. You need to warm up a little before you start lifting the heavy stuff. The sketches below are about 45 minutes to an hour's worth of warm ups for me. Sometimes they are just random thoughts, other times I work on things that need a bit more fine tuning. Whatever the case may be try to spend at least 10 minutes a day in what you feel you need work on. As artists we get busy with projects and deadlines but 10 minutes is doable and will give you a great feeling of accomplishment.

"Patience young Jedi" is what I always have running in my head.

That and what is Yoda's last name?


Kris Tolentino said...

Best...Yoda Yoda Best..hehe

C.Deboda said...

Yoda Deboda? Nice warmups btw.