October 16, 2012

Back to School

When I am not working, I am usually drawing for myself and for my own projects. It is really important to do this for your own sanity but I will get into that topic in a later post.

Tomorrow I have the privilege of being a guest speaker at Anaheim Hills Elementary School. Kevin Staniec  and I will be doing a book reading for our children's book, "How To Catch a Cloud", as well as  doing a drawing demonstration. To your left and right are images of the banners that will be displayed during our visit.

Kids' books are one of my projects that I love doing and enjoy sharing. Being a guest speaker and given the opportunity to pass down my passion for art and creativity to the next generation is truly an honor.

As artists we can get caught up pretty fast  in our daily lives and in our pursuit for being that epic artist. This is totally fine and very natural, by all means be great at what you do and get your work out there. However, every once in while take a moment to reflect on your journey as an artist and think about those who have helped you and influenced your career: parents, teachers, coaches, Optimus Prime, whoever.  Please remember, it is very important to give back to those that helped shape who you are today.

I will let you guys know how it goes but in the mean time, wish us lots of luck!


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