This was a character design I did for a Summer Outreach program where I teach. The brief was: futuristic high school for gifted skate boarders. My character is basically the P.E. coach for the school. I had a particular feeling in mind for this character; cocky, old school and very egotistical.
Here are my initial sketches trying to find some pose and body shape ideas.

Next up were some refinements and head iterations for my character.

Finally, the finished color design.

This was a lot of fun, really exploring more of my character's personality and trying to push it through from top to bottom and through his clothing especially.
Always enjoy your "break downs" posts. :)
Dude, this is so good.
lol, that is really funny :)
cool stuff man.
and by the way I tried using Dudley, he is pretty awesome, but I still ended up crawling back to my main, Balrog I am just used to his moves
Great sketches! I like your blog
See you
Hi Patrick, great works man!!! I love your designs and your way to add the colour. I enjoy a lot seeing these last sketches... Congratulations and thanks to visit my blog. Ciao from Barcelona!!!
Funny. This is the way people would dress when I was growing up.
C-thanks mang, glad you like it!
Brian-hey, thanks for dropping by.
Anthony-ahahaha, yea Balrog is the classic guy. Thanks for the comment man and your stuff is kicking ass!
Salba-thank you so much!
Antonio-Ciao my friend an thank you!
Jason-no prob, glad you liked it.
Random Asian Characters-thanks for dropping by, hope you are not spam!
Marcelo-Hmmm, other people dressed this way man, I am glad this hit home!
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