Where is this all leading Pat? Well myself, I try to find a happy medium between the 2 extremes. I take my time in the preplanning and production of a piece so that when I get to the execution, it flows out faster because I have done my homework and rehearsed my drawings for the final show. Let me show you.

Next, came the execution. This took me about a day in total because I had a game plan, I did my homework, and I had a clear vision of what I wanted it to look like. here goes:

2) Laid down an overall gray tone on the characters so its not just a white canvas, and started to pick out some highlights in the characters.
3) Worked in the shadow patterns, I flip the order of my lights and shadows, lately I have been laying in my shadows first to find form and volume.

5) Start rendering the main character, face first then I work on the body. I like to render up a small section sometimes to help see what level I have to push the rest of the piece to.
6) The bear was too low and cut off too much on the page, so I cut and paste and moved him over to the left and a little higher.

8) Added some darks to the gradient background to give it some mood.
9) Added a final texture to give it some grit in the background. Now, before I decided on this texture I went through several variations and random textures that did not fit. I wanted the texture to fit the personality of the piece as well as the frame I chose for it. These little things are what makes your piece come together in the end so do not forget them.
OK, Enough blabbing from me. I hope this helped out some of you out there. Remember, I'm not a rocket scientist, I just put in a lot of work and I don't give up on a piece...usually.....well maybe 1 out of 10......OK the end.
kooL~ Your steps are always helpful. I like the texture you used. Fits the mood of the situation he's in. Awesome!
Nice stuff here man!!!
hows everything goin??
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