Man, again my apologies for not posting sooner. I actually got slammed with 2 freelance
projects last week that I am wrapping up on. One was doing storyboards for a TV promo that will air on SPIKE TV and the other is character designs for a game company I have worked with before. I can't really say much more than that due to
NDA (non-disclosure agreement). As soon as I get permission I will post some of those.
Anyways, the image below was done for the 5 year anniversary of THE
KUTTINGROOM salon/gallery. They are the ones that hosted my very first show. So when I asked, I was more than happy to contribute a piece to the event.

So my friend Cecile helped me with the title of the piece which is the same as the blog post title, SHEAR ENDS. The theme for the art was hair inspired and of course I had to depict the most awesome hair stylist I could think of. Hopefully, you can guess who it is, if not....WHAT"S WRONG WITH YOU! I kid, I kid. I knocked this out in about a day but in the next post I will show you how much work went into this before I actually attacked the final composition. I did pages of thumbnails sketches and studies to get the right attitude I wanted, you will see all of this next week as well as some insight through the various stages of this piece.
Till then please enjoy, leave a comment and I will be back fairly soon!
YOUR MOM LOVES THE KUTTING ROOM. When we were in Santa Monica, she brought us there and she also got my Mom to have a haircut. Werd.
They both loved it hahaha.
Hey Pat - nice stuff man!!! hope your keeping busy bro
Great job with Edward. Need to watch that movie again!
DOPE!! Another 'process' post. Nice piece!
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