What a blast as always! I picked up some great sketchbooks and got to see a lot of old friends, some whom I have not seen for quite some time. Friday was my character workshop at the Art Institue booth; you never know what to expect from those at
Comi-Con. Let's just say it was quite difficult competing with the noise and fellow geeks (note I said fellow so I do
acknowledge myself as one) but I was able to meet a couple of you out there and get some "quality" talk time with others. So thank you for your time!
Anyway, the workshop was on character design and I created a Jedi Librarian who watches over the physical books of the old republic. Quick back story--he is a Jedi wash out and yearns to be like Obi Won, alas, he is stuck using the force to shelve books.
Silhouette and character
iteration demo:

Character type and face demo:

Friday night was also the night of the big art show at Subtext Gallery open during
Comi-Con week only. For those who missed it, here is my piece entitled

Next up are some books I picked up with links to the artists' sites:
1) "
Ogeley Boogeley 5" sketches by Pascal
Pascal is one of those rare artists that bursts with life and imagination and at the same time is a very kool kat! He has always lent me great advice and has
been very supportive of my artistic career and growth, thanks
buddy! Click
here to link to his site.
"Cano Scribbles" by Octavio Rodriguez

Octavio is just one cool
mutha. While visiting Pascal, Octavio was chilling out in the wee morning hours. He looked at my portfolio and we struck up a
conversation. He
currently works at
Lucasfilm Animation (I throw my fists in the air in a rage of jealousy..ha ha) and he is just one
badass. Click
Here to link to his site.
"Bento Box" by Paul
I first saw Paul's artwork on the Character Design Blog and was BLOWN AWAY! Luckily I was able to talk to him in person and got to chit chat a bit on the industry and his journey as an artist. More of his great art can be seen
here. We asked him the secret to art and he told us.
"There is an old lady in Mexico City, if you find her, give her 15 pesos and repeat these words....déme un cigarrillo. And then you will be given the secret to great art."
that note, I will wrap up this post but I will have a couple more things to share later on this week. As for me, man I need to do some
frakin laundry!
i knew it! cigarettes DO wonders!
glad to bump into you again this con. dont forget, a new folio from me in one month!
It was good seeing you at Comic-Con, Patrick!
Looks like the con was great this year! Your work looks amazing as always and thanks for introducing some new artists to me.
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